Hi there,
I spent two years trying to convince my husband that I was worthy of his love. I tried everything — going so far as to hide things from him or even lie so that I’d be more appealing. I wasn’t filling our life with dishonesty, but there was something subtle running in the background of our days together: If I could just try hard enough, I could make him love me.
It didn’t work. He left me, and it changed my entire life. But I truly understand why so many of us tie ourselves into knots in search of love. Love is a human need — it’s what makes us human in the first place. Love is our oxygen. And the fear of losing it can feel like life or death — without our oxygen, we just can’t breathe.
That moment of realization that someone simply doesn’t love you is the fork in the road: You can fight tooth and nail to convince them to love you, or you can let go.
I began my book with this very concept — and I want to dive a bit deeper today with Love Weekly readers. This reality isn’t hopeless — it’s liberation.