Forgiving yourself for letting the wrong person in is hard work. People show you who they are and often we are too blind with chemistry or our feelings to see who is right in front of us. Regardless, I’m committed to keeping my heart open, using more discernment and to stop falling in love with someone’s possibilities vs the reality

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This was excellent. Discernment when there's great chemistry is such a mind eff... really requires maturity and leaning in to a higher knowing... often forsaking what's intoxicating and in front of you for the theory of something more solid and compatible later (faith! That's what it requires). Not that much fun!

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This wonderful advice Jillian! Saving! I used your last newsletter to communicate and ruminate, initiated a hard conversation and ended an on-off 8 month situationship. “I do not want FWB. I deserve more”

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I meant communicate instead of ruminate!

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